Hans Liviabella, Violin

“Joining the COE more than 30 years ago fulfilled a lifelong dream, marking the start of a journey filled with unforgettable musical and human experiences. The orchestra’s unique fusion of diverse European cultures through music not only created a harmonious tapestry of sound but also conveyed a powerful message of peace.

For me, the COE was more than just an orchestra; it represented a shared ideal of living together in cultural unity, where music became a driving force for human well-being. These transformative years with the COE have shaped my belief in the profound impact of music, showcasing its ability to bring people together and contribute to a more interconnected and harmonious world.”


Born in Turin, Hans Liviabella hails from a family of musicians. His great-great-grandfather was a student of Rossini, his great-grandfather a capellmeister, his grandfather a composer and his father a violist with whom he commenced his violin studies at the age of four.

He completed a degree in violin performance at the G. Verdi Conservatory in Milan under the guidance of Christine Anderson. He continued his studies with Salvatore Accardo at the Accademia W. Stauffer in Cremona and with Dora Schwarzberg at the Musikhochschule in Vienna. During his studies with the latter, he was chosen among the best students of his generation to perform at a direct radio-broadcast concert in Moscow dedicated to the memory of the famous Russian pedagogue Yankelevich.

Having been heard perform by Gidon Kremer, Hans was recommended to further his education with Maya Glesarova in Moscow. His formation also included studies with Stefan Gheorghiu, Franco Gulli and the Trio di Trieste on a DeSono Association (Turin, Italy) scholarship.

Hans Liviabella was a member of the Chamber Orchestra of Europe and has been playing with them since 1992. He was invited by Claudio Abbado to play with the Lucerne Festival Orchestra and the Orchestra Mozart of Bologna. He also collaborated as principal with the Filarmonica della Scala and the Mahler Chamber Orchestra.

He is the first violin of the Quartetto Energie Nove, an ensemble which regularly collaborates with, among others, A. Lonquich, I. Pogorelich, V. Mendelssohn and J. Rachlin. The quartet has appeared on numerous radio and TV broadcasts on RTSI (Swiss National TV) and has a regular discographical output with the record label Dynamic.

Hans is the Principal 2nd Violin with the Orchestra della Svizzera italiana with whom he also performes regularly as soloist. Latest performances include the Prokofiev Violin Concerto with Alain Lombard and recordings of the concertos by Joseph Boulogne Chevalier de St. Georges (Op. 7 no. 2, world premiere), A. Casella, Lino Liviabella and G. F. Malipiero for the Forlane record label.
Hans Liviabella plays violins by A. Stradivari “The Saville”(1680) and G. Cappa (1702).

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